Friday, July 16th, 2010

News Feed Comments

Rajya Sabha Adjourned for the second

February 24, 2010 by RS  
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 For the second consecutive day, a determined opposition on Wednesday forced adjournment of Rajya Sabha till noon over the issue of price rise. As soon as the House met for the day, BJP members were on their feet demanding discussion on rising food prices under Rule 167, which entails voting. BJP Deputy Leader S S Ahluwalia said [...]

Telengana Panel To conclude Consultations by July

February 24, 2010 by RS  
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The Srikrishna Committee on Telangana issue has said it would wrap up consultations with key stakeholders by July this year and asked the Joint Action Council (JAC), spearheading the agitation for a separate state, not to boycott it. V K Duggal, member-secretary of the five-member Committee, who arrived here last night to put in place the [...]

Congress General Secretary is NRI Achiever 2010

January 31, 2010 by RS  
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Avtar Sandhu MBE was asked to attend the 2010’s NRI Achievers awards (Non Resident Indian) in New Delhi in January. He was awarded the award in recognition for his contributions to politics and for being elected as the first Indian Conservative elected onto Kent County Council.

India’s 60th Republic Day 2010

January 26, 2010 by RS  
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Indians across the world all celebrated India’s Republic Day. Even though security was extra tight in New Delhi, the parade, the dignitaries and the India’s policy makers all attending this historic day in India’s history. Within the past 60 years, India has struggled through various political and economic difficulties, but, she as always still comes out smiling. [...]

Overseas Congress meet Indian High Commissioner in London

December 22, 2009 by RS  
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In December 2009, Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK Senior National President Mr Bhagwan Dass Badhan, Cllr Avtar Singh Sandhu MBE (National General Secretary) and Indian Overseas Youth Congress UK’s General Secretary Mr Ragbhir Singh Sandhu, had a meeting with the new Indian High Commissioner to London H.E. Mr Nalin Surie at Indian House Aldwych.
The meeting [...]

Congress General Secretary receives honour

December 4, 2009 by RS  
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Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK’s national General Secretary, Cllr Avtar Singh Sandhu, was today at Buckingham Palace to receive his Memeber of the British Empire Medal (MBE).  Mr Sandhu, 44 years old and father of two said he was honoured to have been recognised for his community work in North West Kent.
Since the sudden death [...]

SE England Branch celebrates Independence

September 23, 2009 by RS  
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London & SE England Branch celebrate India’s Independence Day 
Members of the organisation from South East England gathered at Gravesend ‘Bassant Restaurant’ on Friday 18th September to mark this historic day in the Indian Calendar. National General Secretary, Mr Avtar Singh Sandhu MBE, congratulated Indian’s around the globe.  He praised the work of the Indian government [...]

Tribute to Mr Balwant Kapoor (freedom Fighter)

September 9, 2009 by RS  
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Freedom Fighter and extremely highly respected Mr Balwant Kapoor sadly passed away on Monday 7th September 2009 aged 81.
Mr Kapoor was the president of the Indian Overseas Congress – London. General Secretary of the Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK, cllr.  Avtar Singh Sandhu MBE said ” Having known Mr Kapoor (uncle ji) over the years, [...]

Rahul Gandhi’s thoughts on Naxalism

August 21, 2009 by RS  
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On Thursday of this week, Congress Party General Secretary, Rahul Gandhi suggested that India’s welfare Scheme could be a great tool to eliminate Naxalism within the nation.
Whilst speaking with students in Jagdalpur, he said its essential to get benifits of government welfare schemes to every last person in India. In an answer to a students [...]

Independence Day 2009

August 20, 2009 by RS  
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This year Indian’s all over the world celebrated Indian’s Independence Day on 15th August 2009
In his address to the nation, Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh explained to the world how India is progressing forward and a vast range of sectors including IT.  He explained that each day approx 20km of roads and national freight corridors [...]

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