Monday, June 3rd, 2013

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Obama in India 2010

November 8, 2010 by admin  
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In his address to the Lok Sabha and Raja Sabha earlier today President Obama was full of praise for the nation which is home to over one billion people. In the address, president Obama referred to the ‘father of India’, Mahatma Gandhi he continued to say that “If it was not for Mahatma Gandhi’s and [...]

Congress General Secretary is NRI Achiever 2010

January 31, 2010 by RS  
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Avtar Sandhu MBE was asked to attend the 2010′s NRI Achievers awards (Non Resident Indian) in New Delhi in January. He was awarded the award in recognition for his contributions to politics and for being elected as the first Indian Conservative elected onto Kent County Council.

India’s 60th Republic Day 2010

January 26, 2010 by RS  
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Indians across the world all celebrated India’s Republic Day. Even though security was extra tight in New Delhi, the parade, the dignitaries and the India’s policy makers all attending this historic day in India’s history. Within the past 60 years, India has struggled through various political and economic difficulties, but, she as always still comes out smiling. [...]

Overseas Congress meet Indian High Commissioner in London

December 22, 2009 by RS  
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In December 2009, Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK Senior National President Mr Bhagwan Dass Badhan, Cllr Avtar Singh Sandhu MBE (National General Secretary) and Indian Overseas Youth Congress UK’s General Secretary Mr Ragbhir Singh Sandhu, had a meeting with the new Indian High Commissioner to London H.E. Mr Nalin Surie at Indian House Aldwych. The [...]

Congress General Secretary receives honour

December 4, 2009 by RS  
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Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK’s national General Secretary, Cllr Avtar Singh Sandhu, was today at Buckingham Palace to receive his Memeber of the British Empire Medal (MBE).  Mr Sandhu, 44 years old and father of two said he was honoured to have been recognised for his community work in North West Kent. Since the sudden [...]

Tribute to Mr Balwant Kapoor (freedom Fighter)

September 9, 2009 by RS  
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Freedom Fighter and extremely highly respected Mr Balwant Kapoor sadly passed away on Monday 7th September 2009 aged 81. Mr Kapoor was the president of the Indian Overseas Congress – London. General Secretary of the Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK, cllr.  Avtar Singh Sandhu MBE said ” Having known Mr Kapoor (uncle ji) over the [...]

Congress Secretary General is given an honour by the Queen

June 29, 2009 by RS  
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Secretary General of the Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK, founder President Late S. Piara Singh Uppal, has been honoured by the Queen.  Mr Avtar Singh Sandhu shall be given an MBE (Member of the British Empire) by Her Majesty later in the year.  Mr Sandhu has been awarded for his ‘Services to the Community’, he has [...]

Sonia Gandhi is arguably the India’s Tallest Politician

June 29, 2009 by Tej Randeva  
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Congress president, Sonia Gandhi is arguably the country’s tallest politician.. Although it is her trusted colleague Manmohan Singh who is the prime minister, it is the 62-year-old Gandhi, chairperson of the ruling Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), who is widely considered the real power behind the throne. In any case, Gandhi is the undisputed boss [...]

Avtar Sandhu Congratulates to all supporters of the Congress Party of India

June 29, 2009 by Tej Randeva  
Filed under All News, Featured

“Congratulations to all supporters of the Congress Party of India. The election results of 2009 were again a very proud and yet again historic day in the Indian calandar. With branches throughout the UK and indeed members right across the globe, we would sincerely like to thank you all for your support and comments throughout [...]


June 29, 2009 by admin  
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The Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK was formed in the early 1970′s by late S Piara Singh Uppal, late S Darshan Singh Sandhu MBE and other members. In those times the Indian community within the UK was very small and their was a steady flow of people still comming to the UK from all over India.

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“Congratulations to all supporters of the Congress Party of India.
The election results of 2009 were again a very proud and yet again historic day in the Indian calandar.JAI HIND”

Avtar Sandhu
Secretary General
Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK

With branches throughout the UK and indeed members right across the globe, we would sincerely like to thank you all for your support and comments throughout this election campaign.

We would also like to congratulate Sonia Gandhi Ji, Dr Manmohan Singh Ji and all the members of the Congress Party in India who have our overwhelming support in continuing and sustaining the development of our prosperous nation.

We look forward to your support in the years to come!

During that era, the prime minister for India was the late Mrs Indira Gandhi. The purpose of the Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK (IOC), was to promote the policys within the western world of the Congress Party in New Delhi. Having not long been given independence the Non Resident Indian’s (NRI’s) within the UK played a vital roll in the stability and progression of India.

Bearing in mind that now in 2007 their are only an hand full of founder members still with us, the organisation has flourished, we have branches throughout the UK and also a Youth Congress wing ( IOYC ). Our current National President is Mr Bhagwan Dass Badhan and Secretary General is Mr Avtar Singh Sandhu.