Monday, June 3rd, 2013

News Feed Comments

Indian Government Reshuffle January 2011

January 22, 2011 by admin  
Filed under All News

On Wednesday 19th January this year, Prime Minister, Manmohan Singh’s UPA government added three new faces to its running of India. Although many critics look at the move as a ‘minor issue’ it did seem to come as a bit of a surprise to people.   Praful Patel, Shriprakash Jaiswal and Salman Khursheed were sworn-in [...]

Economic Advisory Council’s Report on Genetically Modified Crops (The Hindu)

February 19, 2010 by admin  
Filed under All News

The Economic Advisory Council highlighted, in its report on Friday, the success of the success of Bt. Cotton. “After the success Bt. Cotton and the benefits it has brought to farmers in Gujarat and Maharashtra, its is imperative that the Government must have a clear policy on genetically modified crop,”  the council said. The remarks [...]

India’s 60th Republic Day 2010

January 26, 2010 by RS  
Filed under All News, Featured

Indians across the world all celebrated India’s Republic Day. Even though security was extra tight in New Delhi, the parade, the dignitaries and the India’s policy makers all attending this historic day in India’s history. Within the past 60 years, India has struggled through various political and economic difficulties, but, she as always still comes out smiling. [...]

Congress General Secretary receives honour

December 4, 2009 by RS  
Filed under All News, Featured

Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK’s national General Secretary, Cllr Avtar Singh Sandhu, was today at Buckingham Palace to receive his Memeber of the British Empire Medal (MBE).  Mr Sandhu, 44 years old and father of two said he was honoured to have been recognised for his community work in North West Kent. Since the sudden [...]

Sonia Gandhi is arguably the India’s Tallest Politician

June 29, 2009 by Tej Randeva  
Filed under All News, Featured, Uncategorized

Congress president, Sonia Gandhi is arguably the country’s tallest politician.. Although it is her trusted colleague Manmohan Singh who is the prime minister, it is the 62-year-old Gandhi, chairperson of the ruling Congress-led United Progressive Alliance (UPA), who is widely considered the real power behind the throne. In any case, Gandhi is the undisputed boss [...]