Saturday, July 17th, 2010

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Congress Secretary General is given an honour by the Queen

June 29, 2009 by RS  
Filed under All News, Featured

Secretary General of the Indian Overseas Congress (I) UK, founder President Late S. Piara Singh Uppal, has been honoured by the Queen.  Mr Avtar Singh Sandhu shall be given an MBE (Member of the British Empire) by Her Majesty later in the year.  Mr Sandhu has been awarded for his ‘Services to the Community’, he has been an active member of the Congress party for in excess of 30 years and was initially the President of the Indian Overseas Youth Congress (I) UK. As part of his role, in recent years he has had meeting with the current Indian PM, Dr Manmohan Singh in London and his residence in New Delhi. 

In an interview Avtar Sandhu said ” My father Late S Darshan Singh Sandhu MBE encouraged me into politics, he himself was a prominent figure within the Indian community in the UK and indeed India, it is a true honour to have been able to follow in my fathers footsteps”.

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