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India’s 60th Republic Day 2010

January 26, 2010 by RS  
Filed under All News, Featured

India's Republic Day Parade

India's Republic Day Parade

Indians across the world all celebrated India’s Republic Day. Even though security was extra tight in New Delhi, the parade, the dignitaries and the India’s policy makers all attending this historic day in India’s history. Within the past 60 years, India has struggled through various political and economic difficulties, but, she as always still comes out smiling. This morning here in the UK, Overseas Congress Secretary General, Mr Avtar Sandhu MBE praised the work of Indians all over the world for their patriotism towards mother India. He said ” I would like to praise the patients, determination and enthusiasm of Indian’s all over the world. No one person can develop a nation the size of India, one thing Indians have always been proud of is our determination. Many governments have come and gone in the past 60 years, but this government has developed India the most. I would like to congratulate ALL of Dr Manmohan Singh’s cabinet on the progression of this great nation. We have come a long way, but, we still have a long journey ahead of us, I am confident that once the journey ends our India shall be looked upon as a roll model. JAI HIND”. The celebrations for the 60th Independence Day of India continue all over the globe.


One Response to “India’s 60th Republic Day 2010”
  1. Buddhdev Pandya MBE says:

    India is on the move. Like a toddler, taking its first step and excited about the world around her. Today, India is one of the largest democracies in the world. Despite the social and political challenges facing the citizens of India, India has become a fast growing economy. It is the state of economy that matters to the people. Without it, there will be no political or social stability. Political parties in India, largely exists on communal or religious political agenda. Without a coherent strategic agenda for economic reforms, political parties are of no use, they should not be even in the race to lead the Parliamentary democracy.

    Opponents criticise the Congress Party for the state of the nation today as a result of the congress ruling India for the largest period since Independence. The introduction to the first Five-Year Plan -launched by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1950 was the beginning. A revival of economic reforms and better economic policy in first decade of the 21st century accelerated India’s economic. By 2008, India had established itself as the world’s second-fastest growing major economy. Now the regional governments at the state level are shaping regional performances in education, agriculture and infrastructure developments. The creation of expanding lower middle-class is apparently proving useful in pulling out people from poverty as much faster rates. If there is blame to be attached to the Congress, one must also give a huge credit to the Congress administration and its political capacity to see India through its most fragile years after independence.

    If India can refrain from indulging into communal and sectarian agenda becoming the central focus of the national and regional politics, India will be able to mould the integration of its economic success to benefit the aam admi – common men. It would have knock on effect on the new generation, a growing army of people with education and skills with a vision of their own about India. Hence, a move towards civil society that is fair and just to all.

    Buddhdev Pandya MBE

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