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Obama in India 2010

November 8, 2010 by admin  
Filed under All News, Featured

In his address to the Lok Sabha and Raja Sabha earlier today President Obama was full of praise for the nation which is home to over one billion people. In the address, president Obama referred to the ‘father of India’, Mahatma Gandhi he continued to say that “If it was not for Mahatma Gandhi’s and Martin Luther King’s vision, perhaps I would not be standing here before you today as president of the United States of America”.

President Obama in India 2010

President Obama in India 2010

To an audience of politicians and business leaders as well as the world, president Obama said “India is not emerging – India HAS emerged!”.  President Obama also mentioned similarities between India and the US with regards to democracy, people and freedom. Although this is the first stop for him on his visit to Asia, president Obama took great pleasure in saying this is the longest visit he has done to any one single country since becoming president.

President Obama has secured a deal worth approx 10 billion dollar which will create approx. 54,000 new jobs with the US. He continued to say the USA’s relationship with India is a “Top Priority” and ensures the strengthening of this on a daily basis. During his Visit president Obama and first lady Michelle took part in the Diwali celebrations as part of their trip.

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